
Yiwu daily use item

Yiwu daily use item is one of the most important commodity items in the history of Yiwu market development. If you are going to pay a visit to Yiwu, no matter for purchase or traveling, you can’t miss the market of Yiwu daily use item. The daily use item is mainly in Yiwu Daily Use item Market, on the 2nd floor of international trade city district 4. Yiwu daily use industry appeared in 80s of last century. There are more than 3000 manufacturers and companies up to now. The cleaning supplies, household articles, disposable hygienic products and plastic products, glasswork, bamboo products, paper products, household products, thousands of the goods make up the yiwu daily use item industry, in nowadays, more and more foreign markets like to import these daily use, because these products have price advantage. The daily use item including of socks, Belts, Bras & Underwear, Neckties, Towels, Shoes, Hats & Cap, Gloves & Mittens, Scarves & Shawls, towels etc. So if you are a global importer seeking a professional supplier, welcome to Yiwu, and take a look of Yiwu daily use item.

